

上段上げ受け(2)/Upper stage receiver(2)

 先日、youtubeを見ていたところ、「沖縄伝統空手古武道 名嘉真朝増伝首里手(基本解説)」というタイトルの動画を見つけ、興味を惹かれたので見てみた。





The other day, when I was watching youtube, I found a video titled "Okinawa Traditional Karate Kobudo Nakama Chozo Shuri-te (basic commentary)", and I was interested in it, so I took a look.


In order to allow the pull hand to be used freely when receiving the upper stage / to prevent it from being pressed by the opponent, put it out to the front side instead of the back side of the receiver (from the back side instead of the front side of the pull hand. Please check the video for details), and I was wondering what to do if I could hold down the pull hand side, but it was very interesting and helpful. The explanation of the lower receiver was also interesting.

If there is an opportunity for kumite, I would like to give it a try.