当時、定価¥550-。今、古書(?) ¥6,000-
At that time, Established Price is 550yen.Now 6,000yen for used book.
When I was a student, I became interested in Bo-Jutsu. At that time, I didn't know the kata of Bo-Jutsu, and I assumed that it would be Chinese kempo. So I found the thinnest Chinese Kempo Kon-Jutsu book and learned the kata.
→ see above Fig.
According to the kata I learned from the book at that time, Chinese Kempo practitioner always rotates the Bo in the same direction and does not stop the rotation. The rotation is stopped only when the Bo is struck on the floor and it is rotated backward by the reaction. At that time, when I told the Gensei-ryu S.I. teacher about the Chinese kempo's Kon-Jutsu, he said, "I'm taking advantage of spinning. I wonder?”
However, in movies, etc., the Chinese Kempo Bo seems to be very supple and light.
Karate's Bo-Jutsu seems to be a method of hitting a Bo, pulling it once in the manner of kendo, and then hitting it again. However, like the Chinese kempo technique I learned earlier, it seems more rational to hit the Bo and then rotate to make the next strike. At least I can hit second attack much faster than stopping and pulling once, and then stopping and then the next. I think this is interesting to try it when doing the kata of Bo-Jutsu.
→ see above Fig.