

番外編-「首里手」の構造解明の極/Extra edition-Pole of the structure elucidation of "Shurite"









著者の略歴を見たところ、フルコン空手の後太極拳をやられていた人で、本格的に空手をやった人では無いようである。空手の型を否定して、フルコンを勧めたいのか、太極拳を勧めたいのか・・。¥1,500-は全くの無駄。この不要不急の外出を控えるように言われている中で、本屋まで出向いて買ってきたが、やはり、立ち読みは大事だな、と思った一件でした。早くブックオフに持って行こう。→ 持って行った。




One after a long time.

I often see the theory that karate developed with Bo-Jutsu. In addition, there is a theory that the karate kata is supposed to be a Bo(Stick・・), and there was a time when in the olden days, all katas of practice was practiced with Bo. Many katas, such as Naihanchi, thought that it could be established as a kata of Bo-Jutsu.

I was interested in the notation book, thinking that it might unravel the correlation between the history of karate and Bo-Jutsu. Even if I applied for “refill” to the shelves of a bookstore with an application “honto” (there is no obligation to buy it), there is no movement for a couple of weeks. And I wondered if I should buy without checking the contents, but I can not find a book review or introduction of the author, so it is unavoidable. I ordered it and purchased it.

The content is far from what I expected, and it says that each movement of the katas from Naihanchi to Kushanku is not valid in the interpretation of the handed down movement, it seems that it is a movement assuming a Bo, etc. There was nothing to gain. It seems to add difficulty each explanation of the karate kata to beginners. Moreover, I don't know if the expression is intentional or not, but it is very difficult to understand. I gave up reading in the middle of Bassai.

Looking at the author's biography, it seems that the person who was doing Taijiquan after Fullcon Karate was not a person who did karate in earnest. It was ¥1,500-. I did it. While I was told to unnecessary and refrain from going out, I went to a bookstore and bought it. After all, I thought that browsing was important.