

棒術(5)-棒の型/Bo-Jutsu (5)-Kata of Bo



I learned the kata of Bo in "Karate-Do : I award it to an expert" introduced earlier.
I remember Sueyoshi, Matsukaze, Sakugawa, and Shirataru because there is no other easy-to-understand text book, but it may have been modified to make the movement look bigger.
Also, since it was introduced in Katsumi Murakami's book as a basic kata of Bo-Jutsu, I remembered Shu-shi. Speaking of karate, it seems that it is a kata that can be positioned in Naihanchi (from the commentary of the same book).
When reading karate books, many recommend Bo-Jutsu, but very few textbooks are easy to understand. The kata textbooks in Egami-ryu also recommend Bo-Jutsu, but it is a pity that the kata is not introduced in the book.