→ 空手伝承の地、沖縄3/Okinawa, the land of karate tradition 3 - 首里手愛好会/Society_of_shurite_fans
また、この空手伝承の3地域から少し離れた北谷屋良は5代目の利導氏が武術に秀でていたそうである。生没年は1740~1812年ということなので、初代は1600年頃の生まれだろう。ちょうどその頃、琉球王国では取手(捕り手/柔術)が流行っていたという。その間に薩摩による琉球侵攻(1609年)があり、それに対する恐怖心/自己防衛心があったはずである。また、冊封関係にあった大帝国 明王朝の崩壊もその頃である。
Looking at the simple chronology of China and the Ryukyu dynasty posted last time, I thought.
→ 空手伝承の地、沖縄3/Okinawa, the land of karate tradition 3 - 首里手愛好会/Society_of_shurite_fans
As I wrote before, the place of karate tradition is said to be the three areas of Shuri, Tomari, and Naha, and all areas are a narrow area included in the current Naha city. And they are the areas included in Chuzan during the Sanzan conflict era, which was destroyed by Sho Hashi.
Chinese martial arts may have been introduced in some way around the 14th century (or earlier), but if the place of karate tradition is the three regions of Shuri, Tomari, and Naha, the origin of the Te is probably after the First Sho dynasty. I don't think so if the Te were spread all over the main island of Okinawa, but if they originated before that, they would have disappeared at the time of the destruction of Chuzan or scattered to other areas.
Chatan Yara, a little far from the three areas of karate tradition, is said to have been excellent in martial arts by the fifth generation, Mr. Toshimichi. His birth and death dates from 1740 to 1812, so the first generation would have been around 1600. At that time, Tori-te (Catcher / Jiu-jitsu) was popular in the Ryukyu Kingdom. There have been an invasion of Ryukyu by Satsuma (1609), and there must have been fear / self-defense against it. I think the Te were formed by fusing with Chinese martial arts from that time.
It's a selfish belief, but ...