

前屈立ち/Forwardbend Standing





#前屈立ち #玄制流


Genseiryu forward bending, with your feet about your shoulders width and back and forth, your forefoot bent almost at a right angle and your toes straight forward. Turn your upper body straight forward. With your hind legs straight, your knees should be straight, and your toes should point forward rather than just beside them so that they do not flow backwards. By turning the upper body from the oblique direction to the front, the upper body will be twisted. Weight is about 7: 3 forefoot: hindfoot.
The forwardbend standing of the university karate club is a form in which the weight is transferred to the front foot from the backward leaning. The hind legs remain bent and the upper body remains leaning. I was taught that my weight was about 7: 3-8: 2.

A more natural way of standing seems to be the way of standing in the university karate club. Also, when trying to put weight on the thrust, it seems better not to twist the body poorly. Now, instead of snapping arm or rotating body, I practice with the forward bend standing of the college karate club like I can put my weight on my thrust when I practice the Kata.


#Forwardbend_standing #Genseiryu