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The Ryukyu Kempo Karatejutsu Kumite edition by Choki Motobu, which was introduced before, is open to the public as a digital collection from the National Diet Library, and can be downloaded from your home computer or smartphone.
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As you probably know, Choki Motobu is a person who placed great importance on Naihanchi and is famous as an actual battle Karate. Then, the kumite technique introduced by the person may be an applied technique of Naihanchi. I thought so and looked at it with such an eye.
For example, p.20 to 21 (Figs. 5 to 6) are the operations to simultaneously perform the outer receive of Naihanchi and the lower receive. Following that, on page 22 (Fig. 7), instead of the Uraken(back fist), elbow. This can be changed appropriately depending on the distance relationship with the other party.
Looking at it with such eyes,
・ Elbow after Haite(behind the palm)
・ Hook punch from lower receive
・ Replacement operation from outside receive
・ Twin-handed thrust from inside receive
It is interesting that it contains essences such as. In many cases, this involves the action of grabbing the opponent's hand, which cannot be seen in competition karate.
However, there is no Namigaeshi(Wave Back). I thought that p.40 to 41 (Figs. 25 to 26) would be Bassai rather than Naihanchi, but is it a stepping motion after Namigaeshi return? If so, my understanding of Namigaeshi of Naihanchi will change. Anko Itosu, who had been stepping back strongly after Namigaeshi, seemed to have seen an article that was different from Sokon Matsumura. Now, let's practice the action of stepping back strongly from Namigaeshi.