

番外編-雑談(ブルース・リー)/Extra Edition-Idle talk (Bruce Lee)




  Fig.1 燃えよドラゴン(若いジャッキーも下っ端役で出ている。)




     Fig.2 ドラゴンへの道





Speaking of Bruce Lee, most people doing karate are bored. But when I first saw it on TV when I was in elementary school, I thought it was cool, so I still like watching battle scenes.

I watched the movie for the first time in a long time about a year ago. As is often the case with the underling opponent's battle scene, he received the opponent's attacker before and raised it to the upper stage to exchange it with his body (step-in) on the other hand, there are many actions such as middle attack from the front or throwing as it is in the direction of attacking the opponent while exchanging the body. The shape at that time is similar to the first shape of Heian Ni-dan (Pinan Sho-dan) (see above Fig. 1). Is that form very common in Chinese martial arts?

 → See above Fig.1

Also, in the battle scene with Chuck Norris, you can see his foot kicking when the opponent tries to get out (see Figure 2). Genseiryu Teacher S.I. told me that when the opponent tries to move, lightly kicking the knee of the opponent's forefoot has the effect of stopping the opponent's movement. At that time,  he brought his forefoot closer to the opponent and tapped it lightly, but in the movie he kicked it with his hindfoot. It's like a wave(Namigaeshi) when walking in Naihanchi.

 → See above Fig.2 

Of course, it's a movie, so it's a sword fight (promised kumite) that they learned in advance. but it's just idle talk.