

前蹴り(2)/Front kick (2)


京阿波根実基/Kyo-awa-ne(gon?) Jikki - 首里手愛好会/Society_of_shurite_fans




前蹴り/Front kick - 首里手愛好会/Society_of_shurite_fans (hatenablog.com)


In Takashi Tsuha's "Okinawa Karate" introduced the other day, there was a description that "Kicking should not be kicked from the navel to the top.” It is a different teaching from modern martial arts karate and competitive karate.

→ see above link.

In the university karate club, under the influence of Shotokai and Shintaido, they were kicking at the height of their face even with a middle kick, and they was taught that "small movements can be done immediately, so practice so that you can move big." However, in Genseiryu, I think the teaching was similar to the above, saying, "When kicking, hold your knee firmly and kick it straight in front of you." My memory is ambiguous because it's been a long time.

In the old tee era, there was a possibility that the opponent had a sword, so there would have been no idea of ​​kicking the upper tier with a big move. If it is a competition or martial arts that requires bare hands, the risk of upper kick is lower, and if it hits, it is effective.

As I mentioned before, if you pinch the wooden board with your fingers and I try to break it with a front kick, I have experienced that I need to kick straight horizontally, so if you want power as a martial art, you should kick straight horizontally right.

→ see above link.