

古伝の型-慈恩/Traditional kata-Jion

慈恩としては、他に神人武館 翁長さんの型を動画で見たことがある。技が微妙に異なっており興味あるなぁと思っていた。翁長さんの動画を忘れた頃に、空手道大観(*)の中に花城朝茂のジオンを見つけた。初めは特に気付かず、知っている慈恩と少し違うな、と思った程度で覚えたのだけれど、後でこれがほぼ、翁長さんの型の様だと気付いた。


最初の方の右斜め前方への前蹴りの次の連突きから正面の上げ受けに変わるところを見ると、花城朝茂のジオンの方が自然の動作のように感じるが、船越 義珍の慈恩とどちらが原型に近いのだろうか。どちらが良いのかな、と思いつつ、2種類の慈恩を練習している。

(*) 空手道大観は国立国会図書館にデジタルブックとして登録されており、提携図書館でダウンロード・印刷してもらうことができる。筆者の場合、名古屋の鶴舞図書館でコピーして頂いた。本の見開き2ページをA4×1枚にコピーし、コピー料金は確か1枚10円とかである。



Jion is also the kata I learned in the university karate club. I think it's a very well-developed kata, such as the upper, lower, and middle attacks or receives.
Though I wrote about an upper-receive, one regrettable thing is that I was taught by the university karate club to use my hand to attach as an upper-receive, so the original upper-receive operation was delayed by one tempo. After I noticed it, I was practicing while paying attention to the fact that I wouldn't raise it with the hand to attach. I can't remove my habit once attached.
I have also watched a video of Jion of Shinjinbukan Onaga. I thought the technique was slightly different and I was interested. When I forgot the video of Onaga-san, I found Jion of Chomo Hanashiro in the Karatedo Taikan (*). At first, I didn't notice it, and I remembered that it was a little different from what I knew, but later I realized that it was almost like Onaga-san's kata.


Looking at the place where the first one diagonally forwards to the front kick and the next continuous thrust changes to an upper-receive, Jion of Chomo Hanashiro feels like a natural movement. But Gichin Funakoshi's Jion is closer to the prototype? I am practicing two kinds of Jion, wondering which is better.

(*) Karatedo Taikan is registered as a digital book in the National Diet Library and can be downloaded and printed at affiliated libraries. In the case of the author, I had it copy at the Tsurumai library in Nagoya. The two pages of the book are copied to A4 x 1 sheet, and the copy fee is certainly 10 yen per sheet.