

番外編-話しかけてくる人/Extra edition-Person who calls out to me


① 公園スタッフの上着を着た方が、「居合いをやっているのですが杖を知りたくて」と言って来られた。これは杖では無く棒術です、と言って丁重にお断りしたが、その後、今野敏さんのDVDで、杖も棒も使い方は同じだと紹介されていた。

② 恐らく年上のおじさん、「僕も昔、空手をやっていたんですが脊柱管狭窄症をやってしまいまして・・」とビッと下段足刀蹴込みを見せた。ちょっと喰らいたくないな、という蹴込みだった。○○館に行っていたとのことであったが、フルコン系かな、と思った。後日、そのおじさんが立木に手を着き、下段蹴りの練習をしているところを1・2回見かけたが、それっきり見かけない。やはり、型を知らないと一人稽古は難しい/続かないのだろうと思った。

③ よく笛吹きの練習に来られるおばさん(小生より遙かに若い。40前後くらいか。)が、「いつも槍の練習されていてすごいですね。」と。槍では無く棒術です、と何度か話したのだが通じなかった。やはり、棒術というのは世の中の認知度が低いようである。だから教範も出版されない。

④ 公園の駐車場で洗車中のおじさんが「猿投の方でも棒をやっていますよ」と。ネットで調べたらお祭りの出し物で、よく撓る軽い棒を使って小学生の親子等が掛け合い(組手)をやっている模様。どちらかというと中国拳法の棍術に近いかな、と思った。

⑤ 公園でゴルフの練習をしていたおじさん。「最近、肘が痛いのですがどうしたら良いのですか?」 整形外科へ行けば良いのでは、と喉元まで出掛かったが止めておいた。思ったことをつい口にしてしまう、悪い癖である。そういう知見が無いことを説明して勘弁して貰ったが、空手をやっている人は東洋医学の知識があるとでも思っているのだろうか。



When practicing the karate's katas alone in the park, there are people who sometimes call out to me. "You're enthusiastic," "Your legs stretched out nicely, and it looks cool." What left an impression on me.

① The person in the park staff's jacket said, "I've done Iai-Do, but I want to know the cane." I politely declined to say that this is Bo-Jutsu, not a cane, but after that, I found it was introduced on the DVD of Mr. Bin Konno that the usage of the cane and Bo is the same.

② Probably an older man, "I used to do karate a while ago, but I had spinal canal stenosis..." He showed his kick. It was a kick that I didn't want to get a little. It was said that he was going to the XX hall, but I thought that it was a full contact karate. At a later date, I saw the uncle once or twice holding a hand on a standing tree and practicing lower kicks, but I couldn't see him ater that. After all, I thought that if I didn't know the karate's kata, it would be difficult/unsustainable to practice alone.

③ An lady who is often in practicing vertical flute (much younger than me, around 40) said, "You're great to always practice the spear." I talked several times that it was Bo-Jutsu, not a spear, but I couldn't make it. After all, Bo-Jutsu seems to have low awareness in the world. Therefore, the textbook is not published either.

④ The man washing the car in the parking lot in the park said, "In Sanage, there also does sticks." When I looked it up on the net, it was a festival feature, and it seems that parents and children of elementary school children are engaged (kumite) using a light rod that bends well. I wondered if it was more like Chinese Kempo's gijutsu.

⑤ A man practicing golf in the park. “I have a pain in my elbow recently. What should I do?”  You should go to the orthopedic department, I thought that I would talk it, but I quitted it. It's a bad habit of saying what I think. I explained that there was no such knowledge and forgave me, but I wonder if those who are doing karate have the knowledge of oriental medicine.