

玄制流の型/Katas of Genseiryu

岸本祖孝先生の師匠は武士 武村であり、武士 武村の型として、武村のナイハンチ、武村のバッサイ、武村のクーシャンクーが世にある(岸本手として動画が公開されている)。玄制流のバッサイ(大)、クーシャンクー(大)は武村の型とほぼ同じなので、その説は裏付けられる。但し、ナイハンチは武村のナイハンチとはかなり異なるようである。また、船越義珍(松村系統)のナイハンチともかなり異なる。




The Gensei-ryu was founded by Mr. Shukumine, but there are still some points that I do not find out about its tradition.
The teachers of Mr.Shukumine Seiken are Mr. Anko Satoyama and Mr. Soko Kishimoto. I have ever seen before that three katas which Mr. Shukumine had been taught by Mr. Kishimoto were Naihanchi, Bassai, and Kushanku .
The teacher of Mr. Kishimoto is Bushi Takemura, and the katas of Bushi Takemura are Naihanchi of Takemura, Bassai of Takemura, and Kushanku of Takemura. This is supported by the fact that the Gensei-ryu Bassai (Large) and Kushanku (Large) are almost the same as Takemura's kata. However, Naihanchi of Genseiryu seems to be quite different from Naihanchi of Takemura. It is also quite different from Naihanchi of Funakoshi Gichin (Matsumura method).
Mr. S.I. told me that Naihanchi was the most important kata of karate, and that some people took the Black Belt alone. Except for the basic katas, there are other Katas of Gensei-ryu, such as Aung, Kosokunsho, Bassaisho, Wancan and Rohai.From whom?
