

船越義珍師匠 安里安恒氏/Gichin Funakoshi Master Anko Asato



 意外と安里安恒氏に関する情報は少ないようで、池城5世 安成氏の三男が安里系の元祖ということしか判らなかった。系図で書くと以下の通り。





Occasionally, I'm searching for the Anko Asato story "Okinawa's martial arts" published in the Ryukyu Shimpo on January 17-19, 1914, but I saw an article that "The originator of the Asato family is Anki Ikeshiro". (maybe it was Wikipedia.)

So I got caught in my head. Speaking of Anki Ikeshiro, I feel like it came out the other day when I was investigating the origin of Mr. Anko Satoyama.

Surprisingly, there seems to be little information about Mr. Anko Asato, and I could only find out that the third son of Mr. Ansei Ikeshiro V was the originator of the Asato family. The genealogy is as follows.


Mr. Anko Satoyama seems to be about 15th or 16th generation, so he goes back to the 5th generation Ansei Ikejo and is about 10th degree. Mr. Anko Asato is probably about the same generation as Ansen Satoyama, so he is about 13th generation. Counting from Mr. Ansei Ikejo, it is about 8th degree.

In other words, Mr. Anko Satoyama and Mr. Anko Asato seem to be relatives who are about 18 degrees apart. It feels like "Humm・・".