

型をやっていて思うこと/What I think while doing the karate's kata




A lot of things came to my mind when I practiced the karate's kata by myself, and when I noticed, I spent a lot of time thinking while standing in the park.
Therefore, I started this blog for the purpose of organizing my mind and memorandum. Mysteriously, the time to think about during practice has decreased a little since I started this. It may be because there is no need to think/remember.
Originally, it took a lot of time to think while practicing kata, and sometimes it took more than three hours in total, but recently it ends in about two and a half hours. This was an unexpected effect.
I think I wrote almost everything I thought about. Since I don't feel like reading when the text is too long, I set the goal to be 10 lines or less, A4 half page at the longest, and divide it as short as possible. As a result, the number of times has exceeded the initial expectations.
If there is something that I can think of, I will correct it / add it appropriately.