

中国拳法からの伝系2/Tradition from Chinese Kempo2


古伝の型-四方公相君/Traditional Kata - Shihou-Kusanku - 首里手愛好会/Society_of_shurite_fans (hatenablog.com)


たまたま、小佐野淳著「図解 中国武術」の紹介記事を見つけ、見てみたところ“直線上を往復する“門派として、形意拳八極拳、金鷹拳が紹介されていた。他の門派の套路は、円周を回る(八卦掌)か、不規則な動きのものが多いということである。

図解 中国武術 - 著者: 小佐野淳 - Google Play の書籍


ナイハンチ(10)-ナイハンチの原型?/Naihanchi (10) -The prototype of Naihanchi? - 首里手愛好会/Society_of_shurite_fans (hatenablog.com)






Naihanchi, Shiho Kūsankū, and Gankaku (Chintou) are horizontal (or vertical / diagonal) line kata, but in the introduction video of Shiho Kūsankū mentioned earlier, the movement of the horizontal line was a theory that was influenced by the China(Ming) military training of.

古伝の型-四方公相君/Traditional Kata - Shihou-Kusanku - 首里手愛好会/Society_of_shurite_fans (hatenablog.com)


Bajiquan's Shoka 1st and 2nd roads are vertical lines, so there may be other horizontal (vertical / diagonal) lines, similar to Naihanchi, Shiho Kūsankū, and Gankaku. I wondered if there was anything that could be connected, so I searched for it.

I happened to find an introductory article on "Illustrated Chinese Martial Arts" by Jun Osano, and when I looked at it, Xing Yi Quan, Bajiquan, and Kinyoken were introduced as "reciprocating in a straight line". The Touro(Kata) of the other sect is that it often goes around the circumference (Baguazhang) or moves irregularly.

図解 中国武術 - 著者: 小佐野淳 - Google Play の書籍


So I searched for videos (Touro) of Xing Yi Quan, Bajiquan, and Kinyoken, but I couldn't find anything that was similar to the karate kata. As I introduced before, Bajiquan feels more like karate than Xing Yi Quan and Kinyoken, but it has not something in common with Naihanchi, Shiho Kūsankū, Gankaku, etc. I can't feel it. Prototype of Naihanchi? Like the video introduced in, I may not understand it because the movement (how to use the body) is different in the first place.

ナイハンチ(10)-ナイハンチの原型?/Naihanchi (10) -The prototype of Naihanchi? - 首里手愛好会/Society_of_shurite_fans (hatenablog.com)

In conclusion, it is a selfish belief, but except for those that are clearly handed down from Chinese martial arts such as Sanchin, there is not a Chinese martial arts tactic that was the basis of the Shuri-te kata. I think it's the original of Ryukyu Kingdom that was created to hand down and preserve the movements of the martial arts. Of course, there is a possibility that the movement of Chinese martial arts was partially adopted, and the idea of ​​leaving and handing down the technique by making it into a kata may be a copy of the Chinese martial arts. And, the origin of the tee is the old-fashioned jujutsu that was introduced from the mainland, and it seems that the movements of thrusting and kicking increased by imitating the Touro of Chinese martial arts.


By the way, I bought and read the previous book, but it is said that Shorinji Kempo in Japan is an emerging Japanese martial art created after the war and has nothing to do with Shaolin Kung Fu in Chinese martial arts. It feels like "Really?" I always thought it was a Chinese martial art that came from Shaolin Temple.

In addition, there was an explanation that what was handed down in a family with a certain XX fist became a △△ family fist. The Chinese martial arts sect may be incomprehensible than the Karate Hyakuryu Hyakusect. I think let's not go too deep into Chinese martial arts.